That Scala Guy

Scala Evangelist · Data Scientist · Requirements Engineer


Requirements Engineering

As a Requirements Engineer, I specialize in transforming ideas into tangible and well-defined requirements. My expertise spans across modern web applications, real-time systems, data analytics, and complex database systems. When you partner with me, I take a thorough and systematic approach to breaking down your vision into both functional and non-functional requirements, ensuring that every aspect of your project is accurately captured and optimized for success. Whether you have a new concept or are looking to improve an existing one, I can help bring your ideas to life.

Software Development

As a software developer, I am dedicated to bringing your requirements to life through the creation of functional and high-quality software. Whether you are starting from scratch or need support for your existing development team, I am equipped to deliver. My primary skillset is listed below. In addition I have knowledge in Javascript/Typescript, Go, Erlang, Haskell, Matlab/GNU Octave, R and Julia. I bring a depth of knowledge and experience to every project, ensuring that your software meets the highest standards and exceeds your expectations. Let's work together to turn your ideas into tangible, working solutions.

  • Scala
  • JVM (Java, Kotlin)
  • Rust
  • Ruby
  • Python
  • MongoDb
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • Cassandra
  • Neo4J
  • Kafka
  • Titan
  • Ignite
  • Elasticsearch
  • Typelevel Stack
  • Akka (Typed, Streams, HTTP, Cluster, Sharding, DD, Persistence)
  • Play! Framework
  • Spark (SQL, MLlib + GrapX)
  • ScalaTest
  • Ruby On Rails
  • Spring Boot
  • and more (Storm, Singa, Giraph, MXNet, Mahout, React)
  • AWS
  • GCP
  • Terraform
  • Kubernetes
  • Apache Mesos
  • Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana
  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Backends / APIs
  • Real Time Systems
  • Data Analytics
  • Domain Driven Design
  • Event Sourcing / CQRS
  • Fast Data with SMACK
  • Cloud native, scalable distributed systems

Standards & Certificates

I can work with the following ISO standards:

I own following certificates: